There is the variable of Chronos vs Kairos (time in a linear measure vs time in an expansive, connected field - "loosing track of time", living in a way that we can Trust timing...and fruition) We can't force the blossoms, the tides, the seasons, but we know the timing is right.
Settling into what is good and right with the moments we're in will help posture our sense of safety in the now, THE space that we can participate in. We can't go back and do yesterday again, nor act out next weeks missions...we CAN be present to engage most fully with the people and tasks at hand. I notice that when I'm tuned into what is True in my moments, I can more easily adapt and engage. If I'm fearful or worried about the future, that interferes with my ability to best access my higher thinking brain and integrate the information as it presents.
When we feel threatened, stressed or overwhelmed by "too much", our fight, flight, freeze response can triggered. If we are truly threatened, this is completely appropriate to slow digestion and cell repair to move the energy to our legs to run away from the beast that would eat us, but that response isn't helpful for many of the perceived threats we're experiencing in our world today. Today, we need our Higher and creative thinking to be engaged. Our health depends on cell repair, healthy digestion and elimination (and more). Solutions to the mysteries of the day will not come from reactions to fear. We need healthy responses moving us forward toward desired change.
How are you in this moment? Pause. Notice. Would it be wise to get a glass of water or two? An apple? Have a walk and connect with a friend or listen to something positive and inspirational...or to the birds? Or maybe the need is to mark that task off the list so that the needle keeps moving toward completion of a commitment you've made. Maybe a one minute meditation to reset then notice?
Exercising our adaptability muscles can only improve our health and happiness. We need the firmness to withstand the storms our lives are enduring, but also the tenderness and flexibility to bend. Yes, much work lies ahead and large issues loom, begging for our attention and energy. Our responsibility is to know when, how and what is ours to participate in...and remembering that the moment at hand is the only space we have to do that.
We can only be in the moment we're in...that's the only space and place we can connect fully. What do you need? Notice. Please.