My Advice To Moms
By Dina R. Smith
As a Therapist, Organizer and Coach I wear many hats. My most prized hat is that of Mom. This hat is the most rewarding and the most difficult of them all. Yes, I get frustrated. Yes I cry. I call my mom. I call my coach and sometimes I call them both! So, when asked what advice words of advice I would give to working moms, inside and outside of the home, Here is what I would say:
1. You are not Alone!
Know that you are the hands and feet of God. Stand in the fullness of that role. Sometimes that means making hard decisions. But you know what? You are perfectly qualified for the position. Rest assured there is on-the-job training for most careers, this one is no different. Now, you may have to research and sign up for some additional training but the pay-offs are well worth it! Call a friend, mom-coach, therapist your mom or join a group. Someone knows what your are going through. You are not alone!
2. Happiness Is an Inside Job!
Just like the laundry, no one is going to take care of this for you. You are responsible for creating the happiness you deserve. Nothing teaches your kids to be happy more than them seeing you create your own happiness. Remember they watch much more than they listen.
3. Make Self-Care your Priority!
Make Self-Care a Lifestyle not a vacation. Don’t wait for life to slow down to take a break. Life rarely slows down. Make a list of ways to take care of yourself. Start with self-care moments until the habit of taking care of yourself is second nature. You will become more relaxed, nurturing and promote wellness throughout the entire household.
4. Let Go of the Guilt!
Every parent makes mistakes. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. I will be the first to admit that I did not get a handbook in the delivery room. If I did I was probably too busy to read it. Know that you are doing the best you can and are always improving. Stay connected to your support system. They will see you through the tough times.
I hope this post reaches you in the best of places. May your homes be filled with joy and love.
Dina R. Smith, Life Coach, Professional Organizer
Facebook: Organized Life Works