As we pulled into the parking lot, she shared that she REALLY likes her shirt; its feel, the colors, design, and message. Her smile as she told me was confident and didn't question if the shirt "looked good" or was "flattering". She wasn't comparing nor concerned if others would like her shirt. As we shopped, two kind women in the store told her that they really like her shirt. She beamed. "Me too, thank you" she said with a knowing and grateful grin.
When we know what we love, embrace and feel gratitude for it, we show up differently. People see us, the Real us. How often, as women, do we miss...or more often, dismiss, the acknowledgment or compliment?
Wouldn't it be powerful if we identify what we LOVE and not need others to see it, but could simply show up empowered.
...for now though, as we practice...let's see it for each other...see eyes light up, shoulders straighten... when you see a necklace that you think is lovely, SAY SO. A new haircut, a smile, someones eyes, their kind words...see them and tell them. Our sisters need to be seen and affirmed. We can do this for eachother...for ourselves and a world that aches to be Real. Will you practice receiving the kind acknowledgement and say "me too, thank you" instead of dismissing what you love? Let the 9 year old in you become what she loves: adorn what strikes a chord in YOUR heart. You'll see yourself differently...and so will others.
We need the reflection of each other. It's a critical part of growing up healthy...and we're all still growing.