My children have been my greatest teachers and as the years have gone by, I am more and more grateful for the lessons (and heartbreaking moments) they have provided...they have refined and shaped me.
For me, SuperMOM isn't doing ALL the things ALL the time. Rather, it's recognizing that I do some things right...I have intention for the greatest good and my attempts to right some wrongs in the world is a valuable contribution. Nobody expects the movie hero's to wear their capes all day and night. When people would call me "super mom", I would reject the name in an attempt to let their feeling of being less than super be normalized. I denied the cape...yet...I am super sometimes...and so are you!
My dear father in law once told me that if he had the opportunity to do it (parenting) all over again, he would just make different mistakes. Freedom, yes? We're doing what we can with what we've been given.
I beg you to please see your skills, notice what you do RIGHT and connect to your intentions. We miss so many of the moments that could increase our confidence and competence to act from our innate wisdom because we are distracted by what's wrong, what threats need to be addressed (often before they are a reality), and what gaps need to be filled. Centering in our wisdom can be as simple as a 1 minute meditation, deep breathing, a walk, or a talk with a friend...please see yourself as SUPER MOM. Not that you are perfect, but that you are someone's hero.
Each week, for now, I'm doing live calls on Fridays and one of the emphasis is regarding the physiological changes that happen when we are perceiving threat. We MUST tether to what is RIGHT, in us and "our worlds". Do, please, look in a mirror, see what is healthy in you...nourish her...and glimpse the moments that her cape can be seen.
Very here for you.
Happy Mothers Day!
**to learn how to create your "map", listen to the free session recording. Once your brain has imagery to operate from, you increase the amount of decisions congruent to that vision.