OptiMOM Coaching is hired by parents to shrink overwhelm and increase Peace so they can be a healthier role model for the next generation.
Discover a happy and healthy vision of yourself
...and learn how to make decisions congruent to that picture.
Discover a happy and healthy vision of yourself
...and learn how to make decisions congruent to that picture.
Connect as an individual, a group or as a provider that supports mothers.

Ready to reduce overwhelm and regain a sense of knowing how and what to do?
Would you like to navigate "your world" with more confidence, competence, Peace and joy?
Safely explore the experience of yourSelf as a healthier and happier person...and now imagine that your kids to experience that too!
Would you like to navigate "your world" with more confidence, competence, Peace and joy?
Safely explore the experience of yourSelf as a healthier and happier person...and now imagine that your kids to experience that too!
Do you want to:
- be a happier & healthier role model
- have a reflection of your situation that offers a healthy perspective and solutions to YOUR specific challenges
- more effectively adopt tools and systems that suit your strengths and skills
- stop comparing your choices to others and learn to choose what matters to you and your family
- stop saying "I don't know what to do" and develop strategies that fit your family
- reduce the judgment and pressure you're experiencing and feel more supported
- have an increased sense of well-being
- reduce fears and increase hope, wonder, & joy
- stop spinning your wheels and increase productivity, efficiency, and function
- decreased stress responses to prevent illness and disease
- feel empowered and equipped to experiencing positive and lasting changes
Choose how you want to begin:
- Use the worksheet and FREE call recording
- Private sessions for a powerful individualized coaching experience
- Share the journey in a group session
Because you:
Explore who you are at your best. Until you begin to identify who that is, how she lives, thinks, behaves, and expresses herSelf, you're stuck in a reactive state. It's time to make desired changes last.
Life keeps changing and gives us new challenges in each season. What allows us thrive in the face the adversities, is our adaptability. By tethering to our healthiest expression of ourSelves, we navigate with greater ease, comfort in our own skin, and increase our effectiveness.
It doesn't take long before we recognize how much our kids are soaking up the attitudes and behaviors of their surroundings. One of the primary forces that drive women to this work is the value of becoming a healthier, happier role model for their children.
Read what others have said on the TESTIMONIAL PAGE.
It's time to explore your private terrain with a safe and supportive guide. You CAN cultivate a healthier and happier life experience (for yourself and your family).
Podcast and Magazine Interviews:
Wellcoaches® Certified Health & Well-being Coach
OptiMOM Coaching is on mission to inSpire, express, support, empower, equip, reflect, and facilitate the optimal expression of healthy, happy and authentic mothering potential.
The work is by phone; location is not the obstacle. Pay it Forward sessions are available; money is not the obstacle. No excuses. It's time.
Experience and express your optimal Self...for your sake, theirs, and all of ours.
Experience and express your optimal Self...for your sake, theirs, and all of ours.
Please explore the website to learn more of what having a coach could mean for you.
© OptiMOM Coaching 2013-2021