Presently, what do I see?
In THIS moment, what is needed?
Do I need to move? Talk? Eat? Water? Touch? Solitude and quiet? Sleep and rest? Entertainment and laughter? Lightness and ease or depth and meaningful conversation (with my God, myself, or another)?
Often, I ask myself these questions to support myself in my daily living. As answers come, intuitively, I move toward them with curiousity...tell me more...show me how...
When I was a child, I counted on others to meet my needs, to show me what they are and how to meet them. My needs are my responsibility; I am a grown up and I desire to equip my kids with that skill. I have to walk my talk, model the behavior, be an example to others. Hear me, we are not an island and not meant to be alone...we need to cultivate healthy relationships that support those needs.
I choose to notice where I am...I choose in THIS moment...and again the next...to return to the now, the present truth of what IS. As the waves of e-motion come that would take me too far forward or back, I notice them, let them be what they are, just a wave that passes. Where are my feet now? Still here.