![]() She's as close I have been to one...and on this celebration of women (International Day of Women), I also celebrate my Mom, her transition (6 years ago today...very appropriate day for her to make the move) to support us "on the other side of the veil"...please be touched, PLEASE know that you are valued, friend. Your Life matters...hers, yours, mine, theirs, all...onward. To revisit: https://www.optimomcoaching.com/blog/im-not-a-saint You are IMPORTANT and will never know how much so...the ripple of your impact is beyond your awareness. Momma, take a breathe. Rest for 60 seconds. Rest easy...Life preceded. Life FOLLOWS...it's NOT ALL ON YOU. You are a vital part. DO / BE your part well...and trust that influence of well-being to spread. I'm here to help you stay that course...onward, sister. Be well, Lisa Phew...2022 is behind us and I'm coming up for air.
For me, in 2022, in addition to working with my coaching clients, I continued to navigate the Atlanta Natural Health Clinic's future while also finally embracing the immanent end that was more and more clearly coming. Details of that story can be understood best HERE. After the season of care-giving for my step-dad and his passing last November, I have just paused...moving through the necessary processes, but without the urgency that I experienced for SO long. Giving space to hold a lighter client load, take a few extra days to send the session summaries, schedule with support for my own well-being now that his schedule isn't consuming mine. Having become a Mom at 15, I recently realized that this is the first time in my entire adult Life that the only person I am in charge of keeping alive is ME...and taking one step at a time to restore some normalcy and Peace after a rough season is the only way I can and will move forward. Mind you, I do still have a kid at home. She's learning to drive though...she doesn't "need me" in the same ways. I still have a college student and 3 adult kids who I am GRATEFUL to be in relationship with. I have grandchildren and still change the occasional diaper, play the round of Candyland, load up and unload kids in car seats, attend parent / teacher things, etc. In a client session, just this morning, I reminded a client after she said "I know I need to take care of me because I wouldn't be able to take care of everyone else" and I reframed the statement to be "I know I need to take care of me because I am responsible for my body and my Life"...it isn't for others, it's because YOU ARE WORTH TAKING CARE OF. Period. What is one step in your Self Care you can take today? Is it a cup of tea and quiet moments? Is it to connect with someone who cares? After Philip passed, I created a menu for myself...what might be on your menu? If you need help figuring that out, you're not alone and I'd be honored to "walk with" for a leg of your journey to your healthiest and happiest Self. ![]() This constant experience of expanding and contracting, resetting and starting again, is an analogy I learned by witnessing birth. When talking with expecting moms and speaking of Birth with ease and trust, I know this is a gift that was given to me by my mother. I have often said "I grew up watching birth videos" with my mom...therefor, natural, vaginal birth was normalized. Please do not misunderstand, there is a time and place for intervention and having qualified support to help recognize that time is a great fortune we have in this "modern medical" world. I am just saying this HARD thing where we bring Life into the world, isn't to be feared - in fact, fear complicates it and changes the experience of it so dramatically. When we moved to Atlanta (1979) for her to attend the CNM program at Emory University, her new friendships were formed with classmates and colleagues. Rather than find a sitter, my brother and I were often drug along to her "grown up parties" where she and her friends would share a meal, glass of wine, and watch birth videos...after all, that was the world they were immersing themselves in. Later, I watched my mother birth my siblings (at home) and I had my own (5) children. I have tried to lean into the HARD parts that come with raising kids with the same awareness that there are contractions that are SUPER uncomfortable and there are respites between. One of my labors seemed like one LONG contraction, no breaks...and yet, pregnancy did end. New Life is expressing itself outside of my body; still giving me (different sorts of) contractions mind you. (she's 14) : ) Life has it's HARD moments...and beautiful ones. The most recent Int'l Day of Women (March 8) marked 5 years since my mom left her body. And today is my birthday. Where her 1st pregnancy ended 50+ years ago...and my Life began expressing outside of her. Leaving me to accept and practice that grief and loss aren't to be feared; they are also part of the Life experience. In a recent article describing behaviors of emotionally healthy people, I found the helpful reminder about finding meaning in loss and trauma: "One of the main factors that distinguishes those who thrive emotionally after experiencing loss or trauma from those who do not is their ability to eventually find meaning in their experiences and to derive purpose from them. Of course, doing so takes time, as does the process of grieving and adapting to new realities. However, adopting the habit of searching for ways to recognize not just what you've lost, but what you’ve gained as well, will allow you to develop a new appreciation for your life and the people in it, to make important changes, and to find value, meaning, and purpose even if you lacked them before." As I move through this ongoing process of living my healthiest and happiest Life without my Mom in her body and baking myself a spice cake for my birthday, I find so much meaning in the life she lived, the lessons she passed on, and the MANY ways she is woven into my daily Life still. When you find yourself in the contractions, the HARD parts that are birthing something new, please remember to breath through it, trust it, and participate even. It changes how we experience the process and postures us to receive the gifts (even the losses) with more ease and grace. Onward. |
Contribute to the Pay It Forward Program; sessions are often given to moms who need the support but can't afford it right now.
November 2024
Lisa EngleWidely known for her passion, dedication and commitment to supporting the expression of potential, Lisa is famous for inspiring patients toward health, especially mothers. With more than 3 decades of service in chiropractic, she easily communicates the value of wisdom within. Her experience has been used to create a safe, effective, and reflective coaching model for mothers without the judgement, comparison, and crippling overwhelm that often inhibits change for families. Let's connect on social |