One of the profound benefits that I've witnessed in coaching is the re-connection to hope and health. I hear women talk about how even the self-coaching model they experienced in the free call helped to reduce the overwhelm and anxiety they were experiencing. I've learned a lot from the feedback over the years using this model and know (in my bones) that the impact of increased hope can change the trajectory of a family's health.
I'm grateful to have been able to implement the free call each month and am watching the number of attendees rise as you're passing along the opportunity to moms in "your sphere of influence". Learning about this statistic has raised the feeling of urgency in me to reach and support more women. I hope you will join me by passing along the monthly opportunity to a mom you know.
The new level of urgency has generated the exploration and creation of new products & services. I'm thrilled to announce a workshop this month titled Restore Rhythm. This will only be available to 8 people, maintaining a level of intimacy while sharing the cost of "group coaching". Keeping it small will also help me not experience overwhelm. (she says grinning)
Thank you again for being a part of the OptiMOM Coaching family and for doing your part to increase the health and well-being in your part of the world.
Be well,