Think about when you wash the dishes; is that ALL you do? Almost never. You add a few things, right? Maybe you wipe the counters and stove, clean off the table, sweep the floor or even scrub the sink.The intention of that 1 thing results in choices that also support the result you were looking for.
By shrinking the overall picture, by making a habit of intentional choices this season, increasing commitment to just a handful of things that will support your family's well being this season,you can change the stress levels in your body...increasing your joy and Peace...and isn't THAT what we want to create in our homes?
So think about it, determine what few things are ones you can commit to? Make your menu and start with only selecting 1 or 2...others will happen. You can trust the process.
In a brainstorming session, set a timer for 5 minutes (maybe even with your family?) to think about the most supportive actions you take to stay WELL.
Your list might look something like this with specifics (quantity and frequency) added:
- Intention hydration habits (critical for feeling and functioning well)
- Appointments with your chiropractor(you have one, right?)
- Clear bedtimes(do you know what happens when you sleep?)
- Food basics (what are staples for you? shakes? supplements? fermented foods?)
- Pausing to breath (set an alarm to remind you?)
- Stretch (know some yoga poses?)
- Exercise (what feeds your soul? get active as a family?)
- Collaborate and share responsibilities with family members (even little ones can be in charge of parts of the day)
Brainstorm a little more...what else surfaces?
Now, just for THIS week, what can you commit to? The list you make isn't your to do list, it's your menu, your choices, YOUR CHOICES. You don't "have to". Too often, our perception of "have to" leaves us disempowered...not feeling stronger and ready for action, but rather beaten and less strong. Let's create habits that support us, empower our family towards optimal expression. What supports you and yours?
Imagine a world with less stressed out people. Let's live it.
OptiMOM Coaching is here to support if you'd like some help strategizing the process.