Interestingly, as I also explore images and pictures of ideal lives, seasons, expressions of health and well-being with women, I'm reminded that we're challenged to hold these images with room for change, refinement, and editing. In fact, the picture simply holds the seeds for the growth like with a plant. The expression of an oak tree is IN the acorn, but the acorn will fall away as the tree is expressed. There is no less value of the acorn yet we tend to hold our acorns, forgetting that they're meant to change into something far greater.
I'm also contemplating the the "outcomes"; the seemingly perfected pieces known as masterpieces (books, paintings, scripts and screenplays, etc) and how they still change as we observe them and experience them differently as we change and grow.
I saw a daffodil yesterday and my forsythia is blooming. Signs that winter is loosening it's grip and change comes. I'm choosing to loosen my grip and opting to allow it.
May our seeds bring bountiful and beautiful expression the sphere we're in now...and for others when we're no longer.
What are seeds are you holding onto? Are you willing to see what might grow?