THERE IS HOPE to do it differently. I've watched it happen many times over.
When we mother from the best version/ vision of ourselves because we've identified WHO and where that is, we teach our kids to become THEIR best versions of who they are. It even gives the people in our sphere of influence encouragement, perspective, and honestly, it also gives them permission to become healthier, higher functioning expressions of THEIR potential.
WE CAN show up with healthy perspective. We can participate with necessary changes and we do experience the fruits of our labor in due time. Just like having a baby; there is process, there is progress, there is help and there is reward.
There is still time to join next OptiMOM Coaching FREE call THIS Thursday, March 31 at 8:30PM EST. Register below and please share with the mommies "in your world" so you experience greater health & well being in your community...and your kids grow with up other kids who are also given role models to be their optimal expressions of themselves..
THERE IS HOPE to do it differently. I've watched it happen many times over.
When we mother from the best version of ourselves, we teach our kids to become THEIR best versions of who they are. It gives the people in our sphere of influence encouragement, perspective, and even permission to ALSO become healthier, higher functioning expressions of THEIR potential.
WE CAN show up with healthy perspective. We can participate with necessary changes and we do experience the fruits of our labor in due time. Just like having a baby; there is process, there is progress, there is help and there is reward.
There is still time to join next OptiMOM Coaching FREE call THIS Thursday, March 31 at 8:30PM EST. Register below and please share with the mommies "in your world" so you experience greater health & well being in your community...and your kids grow with up other kids who are also given role models to be their optimal expressions of themselves..