Like exercises build muscles, helping us acheive a physical goal (for those of you inclined to set those feats), regularly exercising our feelings and thoughts will aid in building a life we desire. Most of us aren't naturally couragous. “Courage is…a habit, a virtue: You get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging." says Brene Brown in her book The Gifts of Imperfection. Each time you choose to live in congruence to the picture you're developing of your best version of you, you're making a "courage deposit" in your account. You become you-ier.
Many of us don't know who we are at our best. In fact, many moms at the start of a private coaching session are quick to tell me what needs to change and what's wrong instead of what they want. It takes intention and time, but connecting to the picture of what we really desire is powerful. I think of it like this: in DE - SIRE...of participate and create; sire our days...and when we're intentional about what that is, it's a far more enjoyable experience.
To receive or to be IN JOY, to TAKE JOY IN, to live an experience that incldues "great pleasure and happiness" is something far too many aren't comfortable with or have much experience of. Though we want our kids to have that, don't we? What is modeled, especially in our media (and think about your home), is a tremendous amount of hardship and suffering...and life definately delivers that...YET even in our hardest, sorrowful times, we can look at our moments and experience aspects of our desires being realized. When we shift from the "have to" as in be burdened by vs. "get to", are priviledged to "suffer through" these trying times (there are always things that will challenge and grow us, no matter what season of life we're in), we create a tremendous shift in our experiences. With that shift, comes a huge deposit of power to create your best picture of you.
Be witnessed:
Do you see what you're doing? Seeds take time to bear the fact some take years (or longer) to really develop the best results. Let this thuoght roll around in your brain for a moment: you can experience joy in recovering from the seemingly "bad mommy moments", saying we're sorry, receiving forgiveness and adapting the moment to our best expression in THAT moment, the moment of joy when we watch ourselves excercising our courage to change.
A plan with a picture:
It's important to know what you want, to see the movement towards it, and acknowledge the joy and courage you're experiencing to grow into that picture. OptiMOM Coaching hosts a free call each month to guide you toward YOUR picture. Learn about who you want to be and the strategies to bear the fruit you desire; will participate with to create. Private sessions lend to a far more intimate reflection, but the group session is a fantastic introduction to begin to explore who it is you even want to "see more of".
You're powerful. You create.
Are you creating what you desire and enjoying the process?
You can.
May this be your best year YET.