The more it's practiced, the more it's my experience. Enjoy your children, honor your needs and desires and know (accept) that you are facing a physically demanding season...learning to navigate those waters takes a lot and there are many ways we can keep ourSelves afloat.
Before I give you the list of things you might try, I would ask what "successful in everything" looks like for you...not for me to know to then give you ideas, but more that you know what you're going for. Likely, you'll come up with a few things in your thought process that you want to put in place.
For me, it always comes back to perspective. It seemed, too, that the tiniest reminders were what would "bring me back"...stocking my most nourishing foods was important for me. That act represented a lot if intention as well as physically "fed" me in my post delivery season.
I noticed that as a mom, living in "the now" is tricky bc we have to anticipate the needs of our children. Anticipating the needs, preparing to meet them by creating the support and resources while leaving margins for both error AND the unexpected (kid threw up, dinner burned, playdate opportunity, schedule changes of a client, etc.). There is a healthy tension that keeps us connected to the potentials and that can root us into our intentional choices now...just now...just now.
Maybe this moment's best action step is a cup of tea while defining "success", maybe it's a phone chat w/ a colleague about it, maybe it's a walk w/ your spouse and asking him to push the stroller while you're carrying #2, maybe it's making a list of things that you can delegate, maybe it's calling your massage therapist, maybe it's the dishes...or maybe it's making your favorite, most nourishing soup and freezing it in single servings for yourself postpartum (even if you deliver in the hottest part of the year and have no central AC in Atlanta, GA).
Here to support you and happy to carry this conversation further if you'd like...never pressure.
: )
Peace to you in your mothering and in your new business!
Be well.
OptiMOM Coaching