Let's shift that. Let's look at what's right. Can you see what you DO have, CAN create, WILL experience?
Here's the thing...it doesn't have to be full of stress and pressure when your goals are motivated by YOUR desires and tied to YOUR VALUES. When we function from THAT space, THAT perspective,what matters to us, we are empowered to create the season that is Life giving and full of the holiday Spirit we long to encounter.
Let's learn to own our own visions of what would make this season awesome. You get to explore that...it's yours...and nobody else knows what it is except you.
The group call will be far less intimate than an unmuted small group session or a private session, but WILL walk you through the process so that you can begin to act in accordance to what is IN your heart for your season.
Live that vision...for your sake, your family's sake...and for the rest of us who share this world with you.
Please ... and thank you.
A template for the call is HERE. It's NOT necessary to have on hand, but helpful. I hope you can join us. Let's make this an OptiMOM Holiday Season!